With the nicer weather approaching, we would like to give you a number of reasons to sleep naked. This according to Dr. Natasha Turner, doctor and author of the bestseller 'The Hormone Diet'.
September 30, 2023 by
Kris | Fja-Oeyen

It increases the feel-good hormone

When two naked bodies touch, oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, is released. This hormone reduces stress and depression. By the way, it has been proven that couples who sleep naked have more sex.

You stay young longer

The sleep hormone, melatonin, is released to a lesser extent at higher temperatures. Melatonin is not only a sleep hormone but also an important anti-aging hormone. So you stay young longer if you sleep in a cool place.

Sleep deeper  

Insomnia is often associated with an incorrectly balanced body temperature. The temperature affects not only your sleep cycle but also how deeply you sleep. By crawling under the down naked you help your body to regulate its temperature.

Boosts your self-confidence

By sleeping naked you get to know your body better. If you have a hard time with something, sleeping naked is the ideal first step to start loving yourself again.  

Good for your health

Heat and bacteria go hand in hand. Ventilation by sleeping naked is therefore just healthy, especially down under.

Whatever the case... Sleeping naked obliges you to get dressed and start the day. So there's no chance you'll be hanging around in pyjamas all day.

Just give it a try!

Sleeping Guide

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Do you long for a night's sleep that fully recharges your batteries?

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