It is possible to sleep in any bed. However, in order to awake feeling fit, the body needs balanced support. For ideal support, all the vertebrae along the entire length of the body must be perfectly supported. Flexible, but sturdy and strong at the same time. That is why your body needs a good base and mattress.

It is possible to sleep in any bed. However, in order to awake feeling fit, the body needs balanced support. For ideal support, all the vertebrae along the entire length of the body must be perfectly supported. Flexible, but sturdy and strong at the same time. That is why your body needs a good base and mattress.

Individual comfort
All the bases, mattresses and pillows in our range meet these requirements. From fixed mesh bases through to models that can be fully adjusted electrically.


Although box springs used to be popular mainly in the hotel industry, these days they are just as frequently to be found in private homes. Our range of box springs offer countless possibilities. They are assembled with traditional workmanship, but include the most advanced technology available.

Various sizes are available. No matter whether they are single or double beds, double bases and mattresses or separated; all are designed to be extremely durable, and their quality is flawless
